
Ce am realizat in 2019? Este gata raportul anual


voluntariat la Dunare, comunitate, cooperare, educatie non-formala, Oltenita

Puteti consulta raportul anual 2019 AICI.

Ce am realizat in 2019?

Am inceput noul an cu idei noi si ganduri bune.  Anul acesta am
aplicat tot ce am invatat in anul anterior. A fost un an mai productiv si
cu mai multe proiecte.

Transparența este unul dintre principiile noastre importante tocmai de aceea puteti gasi realizările noastre inca de la inceput in rapoartele de activitate.

In 2019 am spus prezent in foarte multe intalniri, proiecte ale
platformelor ONG din care facem parte, intalnirilor locale, nationale,
In 2019 am organizat evenimentul anual Targ-Balci-Fest, anul acesta
fiind prezent un numar mare de tineri care au adus plus valoare
evenimentului. A fost dificil, o incercare frumoasa care ne-a format si ne-a
dat incredere in voluntariat si prietenie. A fost un succes!In 2019 echipa noastra s-a marit!
Multumim voluntarilor, liceelor si scolilor cu care lucram, organizatiilor
private si publice… tuturor partenerilor!

Echipa Dunare.EDU va asteapta la Oltenita!



Špela Majcen Marušič

What defines you?

Identity is like a mosaique which grows over time as we collect pebbles of experience on our way. Mostly, I am a proud Slovenian European, a mum who believes in a better world, cares for the environment and enjoys listening to The Beatles.


Were you a volunteer?

I volunteered as promotor of participation at the elections to the European Parliament in 2009. While participation rate in Slovenia, unfortunately, did not manage to grow that year, it was an invaluable experience for me. Talking to people on the street and hearing their concerns, stories and hopes for the European future were educational and inspiring. At the same time I also learned how to agree to disagree and hold a (semi-)reasonable conversation with Eurosceptics.


How would you describe one day in your professional life?

My work at the Euro-Mediterranean University in Piran (Slovenia) is an ever changing experience. Monotony in my office is almost an unknown, as I work on external affairs, public relations and communications, organization of events, and support the projects team. I am happy that my work requires the time in front of the computer as much as it does “on the ground work”. Going through e-mails is reserved for the morning, followed by phone calls, talks, preparation of documents and plans for the coming months. This past year, as Slovenian legislation would allow it, I was lucky to spend with my daughter Mia, learning the (sometimes impossible) skills of motherhood.


What career advice you would give?

Do what you love, and you’ll be amazing at it. Be confident in what you know, do not let yourself be discouraged. A perfect job does not fall from the sky and us millennials sometimes expect to succeed overnight. It is a journey, not a destination, and we might as well enjoy the ride.


Back to the region now. What way should we follow for a better cooperation in the Danube and Black Sea region?

Opening up hearts and minds of the people in the region is key to better cooperation. Supporting travels, exchange of ideas, collaborating on all sorts of projects, including on topics that do not seem obvious (e.g. music) will in the long run create a more connected and stronger region. Starting from childhood, we could teach our little ones to be tolerant and understanding, curious about other cultures and proud of their own. is one of those initiatives that undoubtedly lead towards a closer region.


A final message…

Laugh, travel and think outside the box.


Redirectioneaza 2%

Puteti sa ne fiti alaturi si anul acesta si sa donati 2% din impozitul pe profit care ii revin statului si pe care puteti sa ii redirectionati catre ONG-ul nostru pentru
a ne ajuta sa ne continuam activitatea in noul an, pentru a continua proiectele de interes comunitar incepute anul trecut.
Puteti depunde formularul 230 pana la data de 15 mai 2019.

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Raport de activitate 2018

Siiii ne-am intors….Incepem noul an  cu idei noi, ganduri bune si forte multe pentru 2019. Anul acesta ne-am propus să aplicăm tot ce am invatat anul anterior. Speram ca noul an sa fie mai productiv si cu mai multe proiecte. Transparența este unul dintre principiile noastre importante tocmai de aceea puteti gasi realizările noastre din 2018 in raportul de activitate.

So here we are.. We start this year with new ideas, good thoughts and a lot of expectations from 2019. This year we want to use everything that we learned last year. We wish that this year would be more productive and full of projects. Transparency is one of our most important principles and this is why you can find our accomplishments from 2018 in the activity report.



Professionals from the Danube: Sorina Ursu

It’s time to introduce a new interview we conducted, part of a series with valuable people from the Danube. Their impressive life stories will inspire maybe… the young generation and will promote maybe… the Danube volunteering spirit. Read it and think about it… we|you| I love Danube!


#youth #PayItForward #Community

Career. After going through a challenging time of trying to find out what I would like to do for the next years of my life that would have meaning and purpose and everything, I come to a sudden realization that you simply need to look for your passions, which should be fairly easy. Find what you like and love to do more, and that is your starting point. How easy is to find that burning passion nowadays, I am not sure. Teenagers live a completely different life than what I experienced in the day. Just to make its bit more clear, the term social media hadn’t been invented back then. We always start somewhere and somehow end up in a different spot. And that is very normal. Try to always keep an open mind and embrace and accept diversity. There is so much to learn when you engage on a new and unfamiliar path, and I know it might seem scary, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Look at my example, I started out with foreign languages, pretty basic now that I think about it, but when I graduated, career opportunities came to light in a different direction and it turned out fine. Looking back, everything I’ve done connected, although it didn’t seem so sometimes, and it got me ready for the next step. Doing translations wasn’t going to be my thing for a long time anyway, now that I think about it. However, moving to an English/ French speaking country, you realize that your background, or part of it, is going to be crucial in getting familiarized with your new home. And you know what? I couldn’t have got a better boost to begin with. If you feel stuck, listen to the advice others have to offering, look for role-models, mentors, learn from them and start building. A career is not something you get in a package in the mail. It needs to be built and for that you need time. It all starts with a decision. And if you feel you haven’t found your calling, search again, decide and start again. Be in a learning mode all the time, take a course, go back to school if you can and change direction. Careers are not set in stone. You doing what you love matters the most.

Volunteering. I think I heard this term first time a long time ago, when in Romania volunteering wasn’t really a thing, or it wasn’t very common at least. I was close to finishing high school and I remember that last summer vacation, I tried to find something to do. Paid or not. And that is when I actually thought about volunteering in the true sense. Dunare.EDU was at its beginnings then. And seeing it progress as it has through the years, is amazing. What is also amazing is the opportunity the young are now given in a small community, and this opportunity can support and guide them in their future careers. So a big shout-out for this wonderful initiative! Apart from currently being a full time mom, I am also involved in some volunteering activities and what I can tell is that becoming a volunteer is a good way to learn. If you have a passion for something, other than what you do for living, assuming you love what you do, then find an opportunity and get involved. If you have a strong sense of community, then go ahead and volunteer out of your comfort zone. The rewards are immense. Volunteering is all about community and yourself, it is an ideal win-win scenario where you have the opportunity to learn and develop existing or new skills, and you get to give it back to the community and to the people, someway or another.

Volunteering has gotten to such enormous dimensions now, that it is harder to be accepted for a volunteer position than for a regular paid one. Who would have thought? So are these two, career and volunteering, connected? You could have a career of volunteering, but still need to pay bills. To sum up, I guess they do go hand in hand. Find what you like and do it well! Good luck.


Thank you Sorina!


Profesioniști de la Dunăre: Ioana Traistă

Un nou interviu cu Ioana Traistă.we|you| I love Danube!

#youth #PayItForward #Community



De unde ești exact și ce te definește ca om?

Am crescut lângă Dunăre, dar abia târziu mi-am dat seama cât mă definește. Părinții mei s-au mutat din Banat în Mehedinți când eram mică. Am folosit mereu regionalisme din Banat în casă și nu am folosit perfectul simplu pentru că noi nu eram de „acolo”. Au trecut anii și mi-a fost greu să mă descriu ca aparținând unei zone din România. Nu mă simțeam completă nici când vorbeam despre Oltenia, nici când povesteam despre Banat.  Abia când aveam 22 de ani, studiam în Olanda și am călătorit la Budapesta m-am simțit acasă datorită Dunării. Atunci am înțeles că Dunărea e acasă.

Dunărea ma centrează. Îmi aduce aminte de cine sunt dincolo de lucrurile pe care le fac și le vreau. Mă ajută să mă bucur de acum și aici.  E important să fiu sinceră cu mine și cu cei din jur, să mă ascult și să aleg lucrurile care mă definesc, nu pentru că așa trebuie și așa se face. Atât timp cât sunt aliniată cu valorile mele, știu că voi învăța ceva din orice voi face.

Ai facut voluntariat?  Ne spui și povestea ta preferată despre ce inseamnă voluntariatul.

Am început să voluntariez în facultate și-mi pare rău că nu am făcut acest lucru și mai devreme. Mi-am făcut prieteni, am învățat extrem de multe lucruri noi, mi-a fost frică, am experimentat, am învățat să fiu responsabilă. Dar mai presus de toate, am aflat ce înseamnă să fii etic în tot ceea ce faci și să faci lucrurile bine pentru că așa simți, nu pentru că vei primi o recompensă externă. Voluntariatul este parte din viața mea. Nu-l văd separat de ceea ce fac zi de zi. E o modalitate de a reacționa la probleme pe care le vedem în jurul nostru și de a ne menține activi civici.  Am voluntariat la Prime România (o asociație pentru studenții la comunicare și relații publice) și Chance for Life (o asociație care lucrează cu copii instituționalizați) când eram studentă. Am continuat cu GRASP (o rețea de tineri profesioniști români care trăiesc în diasporă) când am început să lucrez, iar acum o mare parte din activitatea mea de voluntariat este cu Cercul Donatorilor Bruxelles, o inițiativă prin conectăm românii din Bruxelles cu proiecte din România pentru care strângem fonduri. Prin voluntariat, înțeleg mai bine lumea în care trăiesc și-mi folosesc resursele pentru a încerca să dau înapoi ce am primit de la ea.

Care sunt sfaturile tale pentru a urma o carieră

Am început să nu mai cred în carieră. Îmi doresc o viață în care să simt că pot contribui. Profesia este parte din viața asta, iar cel mai important pentru mine este să fiu un om bun. Poate suna puțin siropos, dar dacă la finalul zilei mă înțeleg și știu de ce am reacționat într-un anumit fel, știu de unde pornesc a doua zi. O carieră fabuloasă mi-o pot clădi ușor, o viață fericită vine din relațiile cu ceilalți, relația cu tine însăți/însuți, din cum alegi să-ți petreci timpul. Dacă am grijă de mine și de fericirea mea, cariera va fi exact unde trebuie să fie și o voi clădi pe valorile mele, nu prea că am nevoie de validare externă.

Care crezi că este calea de urmat pentru cooperarea de tineret la Dunăre si Marea Neagră?

M-aș bucura să văd mai multe proiecte între asociații de la Dunăre/Marea Neagră, mai multe sărbători locale – trebuie să știm să sărbătorim, ca să știm cum să trecem peste probleme.  Mi-ar plăcea să mai văd o comunitate a dunărenilor care fac proiecte sau sprijină proiecte pentru sate și orașe de-a lungul Dunării.

Un mesaj final

Prețuiește relațiile din viața ta, mai ales pe cea cu tine! Nu poți oferi altora ceea ce nu-ți oferi ție.  Bucură-te de ceea ce ai să-ți oferi! Asta îmi reamintește mereu Dunărea !


Mulțumim Ioana!





Professionals from the Danube: Irina Matetovici

It’s time to introduce a series of interviews we conducted with valuable people from the Danube. Their impressive life stories maybe… will inspire the young generation, maybe… will promote the Danube volunteering spirit. Read it and think about it… we|you| I love Danube!

#youth #PayItForward #Community


What defines you, Irina?

I was born in Galati, Romania and now I live in Antwerp, Belgium. I am a curios biologist, interested in photography and stitching Romanian motifs to relax.

Were you a volunteer?

I had few years of intense voluntary activities, mostly during my university time. Now I get involved more in short term projects, either of mentoring or just extra hands when needed. One of my dearest projects was about promoting student-centered education in Romanian universities. We had a caravan and we were going from university to university organizing debates and promoting students rights. It was a great experience and beside meeting and making many friends, I am using most of the methods and practices we were promoting with my current students.

How would you describe one day in your professional life?

A day at my working place can be very dynamic, usually is a combination between taking care of my flies and parasites, followed by different experiments in the laboratory or it can be full focus on genomic data analysis. More specific I work as a post-doc at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, with the tsetse fly, the vector for sleeping sickness, a dreadful disease present in Sub-Saharan Africa. I am trying to understand how the tsetse fly immune system is working and potentially identify molecules that could be used in interrupting the transmission of the disease.

What career advice you would give?

My advice to students deciding on their career is to follow their heart and choose a career where excitement is what will bring them there day by day. Not be too afraid of change or taking risks, expand your horizons and stay up to date. And is never too late to start something that you like.

Back to the region now. What way should we follow for a better cooperation in the Danube and Black Sea region?

The Danube on one side and the Black Sea on the other bring together many diverse communities, I believe we all care about our region, and that’s already a mutual interest. Joint projects that tackle our region could improve the interaction and collaboration. Biodiversity preservation and conservation should be constant on your agendas. While few decades ago more than 30 fish species were able to maintain their stocks by natural reproduction in the Danube basin, today we have only two (data from Joint Danube Survey). Moreover, majority of the migratory fish like sturgeons and Danube salmon are heavily endangered or close to extinction, due to habitat loss or over-exploitation (data from Joint Danube Survey). In the end it comes to us to make Danube, blue again.

A final message…

I would like to felicitate Dunare.EDU for the great organization they created. I’ve been following you for some time and I am inspired by your devotement and the positive energy you bring with every project. I wish you many successful projects, activities and collaborations.

Thank you Irina!


Raport anual 2017

Ne aducem aminte cu drag de aceste luni in care am invatat din nou, zi de zi ce inseamna munca de voluntariat in echipa. In urmatoarele pagini invitam cititorul intr-o scurta introducere in activitatile pe care le-am organizat in comunitate cu tinerii din regiune. Mesajul nostru de 8 ani este acelasi: implicarea tinerilor dunareni in luarea deciziilor, in cooperarea regionala si internationala cu beneficii pentru formarea lor si comunitatea din care fac parte. Si in 2017 am reusit acest lucru prin proiecte nationale si europene.
Ne dorim sa putem continua activitatea noastra in 2018 si ne-am propus urmatoarele: sa organizam o tabara international la Dunare! Suna ambitios, nu? Invitam partenerii sa ne contacteze pentru detalii.

Raportul anual aici.







connecting Danube for YOUth at Targ.Balci.Fest in August

Danube.EDU team would like to announce the intention to organize an international camp at the Danube river within the locally known Targ.Balci.Fest 2018 edition.

This will be a non-formal education week with activities for youth. Its aim is to create a good ecosystem for learning, cultural exchanges and innovation.

The motto of the 2018 edition will be: connecting Danube for YOUth. Among the topics on which we will build the programme we mention:

Environmental friendly actions

Social entrepreneurship and startup ideas

Sport for action

There will be a small general fee for participation of 60 euros in order to assure the programme logistics and local travel. Accommodation will be assured by Danube.EDU team in local hosting families. Each participant will be responsible for food, transport to and from Oltenita.

Important to remember:

  • Register by 15.07.2018, link tbc
  • Camp taking place on 26-31.08.2018


Join us!


About/A propos de/ Despre Dunare.EDU


The aim of the association Danube.EDU is to promote international cooperation in the field of youth, supporting the involvement of young people in the life of the community and stimulating cooperation activities between countries in the Danube-Black Sea region. Visit us at


Les principaux objectifs de l’association Danube.EDU résident dans la promotion de la coopération internationale dans le secteur de la jeunesse ; le soutien à la prise d’initiative des jeunes au sein de la vie de leur(s) communauté(s) ; ainsi que le développement d’activité transnationales parmi pays bordant le Danube et la mer Noire.


Scopul Asociaţiei este promovarea cooperarii internationale in domeniul tineretului, susţinerea implicarii tinerilor in activitatile comunitatii, stimularea activităţilor ce au ca scop cooperarea tarilor riverane la Dunare si Marea Neagra.

Ne gasiti @Oltenita «  la casuta » sau online

Dunare.EDU website

Pagina FB  & Linkedin



Donatii echipamente de birou

Echipa de voluntari Dunare.EDU are nevoie sa inlocuiasca echipamentele IT de la birou. Facem apel la organizatiile care au acces la 1-2 calculatore de birou moderne functionale sau 1 imprimanta sau 1 proiector sa considere actul de donatie catre asociatie.

Pentru contact va rugam sa folositi urmatoarele detalii: attn Madalin.


Despre ONG Dunare.EDU

Scopul Asociaţiei este promovarea cooperarii internationale in domeniul tineretului, susţinerea implicarii tinerilor in activitatile comunitatii, stimularea activităţilor ce au ca scop cooperarea tarilor riverane la Dunare si Marea Neagra.

Ne gasiti @Oltenita «  la casuta » sau online

Dunare.EDU website

Pagina FB  & Linkedin